Thursday, January 04, 2007

The books....Did not come

Soooooooooooooooooooo....The company apparently halted shipping for two weeks. I suspect this was just to annoy me. I REALLY wanted those books sooner rather than later .

I am just elated that the holidays are over. Not that they weren't fun but it gets disruptive after a while . All these things to do and people to visit and gifts to buy. Enough was enough.

So we are slowly getting back to our routine.

We are going to go see Neil DeGrasse Tyson in February in NYC . It will be M's first science lecture. I think he will really enjoy the topics. Space and black holes are something that he is really interested in, on top of that he knows Tyson from watching NOVA on PBS so it will be familiar and enjoyable for him I think.

Well I am tired and will keep it short. That is all from here...for now...