Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Lecture and The White Whale

So I took M to the lecture! What a great time, what a wonderful experience! He got to meet , talk to and get his book signed by Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I was so proud of him. He was not shy about going up and getting the book signed and asking him a question. He asked him about the shape of the universe of course . He is still talking about the lecture every day and how happy he is to have met a famous astrophysicist. This made a very strong impact on him , you can tell by the way he brings it up at random times. It was just really important to the little guy and Tyson , I can't say this enough, but I think that he is a wonderful role model for young people. Anyway.

M is doing well w/ school. He is working on Latin and Greek roots and his math. We are also doing much more geography and he is enjoying that.

Also we have started to read Moby Dick! I am reading the real version and I read him an abridged antique version at night. It is quite a nice version and really doesn't leave much out as far as depth and the poetic nature of the writing remains at least, partially, intact. But being abridged it is far easier for him to recall and follow along. His favorite character thus far is Queequeg. Just two days ago I was laying down with the regular book clutched against my chest when M comes up and takes it , saying : "Me Steal-ee Book-eee". I almost died laughing haha.

As for the real version , I have to say I am thoroughly ashamed that I am 25 and this is the first time I am reading this absolute genius of a novel. I keep a pencil on hand to underline and highlight all the memorable poetic lines which it is so full of , that when I am done I will probably end up with a pile of graphite instead of a book!!! But it's genius, pure genius. Anyone that has not read it I encourage you to pick it up now.

Well I should stop this entry seeing as how I need to get up for Soccer early w/ M. But I will update again soon and probably ramble more about Moby Dick. The. Greatest. Book. Ever.